Todd Rundgren TRibute Cookbook project
The TR-ibute cookbook project began as a way to support PatroNet directly. Todd, as well as members of his family, friends, musical associates and fans have collaborated to bring you their favorite recipes and artwork presented in a unique Rundgrenesque style.
Run, don't walk, to for your one-stop source for holiday gift giving and the perfect postage to adorn those cards and packages!
After looking over "Give Them Bread" for a few days and salivating I decided to make something. Trying to choose which recipe to cook first is no easy task. Everything in that book looks really tasty. Well after some heavy contemplation and deep meditation I decided to try Todd's "Worlds Best Chicken." Let me tell you this recipe alone is worth the price of the book. If you want some savory....herb.....fall off the bone.....melt in your mouth chicken, whip this up. It's easy, and when you invite Todd over for dinner you will be able to make something he is gosh-dang-guaranteed to like. In fact this chicken is so good I have another batch in the oven right now. The smell of roasting chicken is wafting through my entire house. Man does it smell good. - Jack Keske, San Diego, CAGot my copies today! Great job! Glad to see so many contributions. I was expecting a plastic-spiral bound book, but this is much better. My wife (the non-Todd fan) was even impressed - and wants to contribute to Volume 2!!
What a great Christmas gift for all your semi-Todd-fan friends! And for those relatives that you never know what to buy - they won't have this! I am going to have a couple of surprised friends this year at Christmas - I usually send them Todd DVDs or CDs, this year they're getting cookbooks!
If people reading this havent picked up a copy (or more), what are you waiting for?! Do so - as a Todd fan (and assuming you actually EAT!) it's a must! Where else will you ever see a recipe for a hamster smoothie?! - Mike Birch, Methuen, MA
Just want to let you know I absolutely love the cookbook! I received my two copies last week (one's for my mom). You and Lys did a wonderful job on it...You should be very proud! Thanks again! It was great idea and I'll enjoy it for years to come. - Cindi DeCotis, Niskayuna, NY
Just wanted to tell you that I received the 2 copies of the Cookbook yesterday, and it's a blast !! I love the witty way you tied in Todd's album names with the food subject matter !! You and Wendy did a fine job !! - Cherry Rayden, Brooklyn, NY
'Give Them Love, Give Them Bread'. . . . . .
gives both casual and competent chefs a quality source of great ideas for new dishes. While the stimulus for publishing this cookbook seems to have been to bring the greater Todd Rundgren community together by providing a vehicle for sharing great recipes, the book succeeds quite nicely when considered alongside mainstream cookbooks. There are a number of reasons for this, but they can all be distilled into the phrase, "The Devil Is In The Details."
A collection of recipes from a variety of sources does not a great cookbook make, without an attention to detail. The details in this cookbook have been addressed carefully:
[1] the Typeface was chosen to be easy on the eyes,
[2] the Font size was chosen to be easily readable by the average person at a reasonable distance, in my case nearly feet,
[3] The paper is a heavier-duty paper that promises to stand up to the natural wear-and-tear that a cookbook inevitably suffers,
[4] The text is not packed tightly on the page, which further enhances readability and also allows personal notations to be added easily,
[5] In addition to the Table of Contents listing chapters at the beginning of the book, there is a compete, well-organized index in the back that lists each recipe several times by each major keyword (for instance, "Salmon in Crock-pot" is listed in the S's, the C's and the F's (for fish)), and
[6] Only rarely does a recipe require a page to be turned in order to get to the end. Recipes are organized into chapters, making it easy to find appropriate dishes when planning a meal. Of course, the chapter names were selected to have special meaning to the TR community, but many of them are just as meaningful to the general population, for example: "Runt" contains recipes for kids, "Initiation" comprises appetizers and dips, "One Long Year" catalogs crock-pot and slow-cooked dishes, and my favorite, "Liars" offers lots of sinfully-sweet desserts about which we can lie about having eaten later! In all, 22 chapters containing well over 200 recipes make this tome a weighty entry into the cookbook field, and it weighs in at only 13.82716 ounces (392 grams).
Scanning through the book is a real visual treat. Artwork abounds throughout, giving a lively, happy, feel to the book, and there's plenty of humor as well. So, Whether you are "into" Todd or not, 'Give Them Love, Give Them Bread' is a real gourmand's treasure. The receipt from describes the book as, "Manual/Large Paperback-7.5 x 9.25, Perfect-Bound, 220 pages." But I think there's more perfection here than just in the binding. - Grady Moates A member of the TR Community