What is there of more big in the life than if don't sell the own emotions? Give the others the casket where our feelings are contained, our joys, the mirror of the soul, stay an enviable art in this 1997. It's too beautiful appear to the window one day and each time see a different landscape that presents itself to our eyes. Change the scenography, they change the customs, the actors change, the director, Mr. Rundgren, from Philadelphia, is always the same person.
Never near so, has felt the lungagnone of Philadelphia, never intense so in this kind of apocalitica bossa-nova. The pulsate it of his heart I feel so near. The notes transport you in a pressing vortex, submersioned from the most biggest tool that the man has never invented: the voice. excellent, plushy, set in an uvula that it receives orders from the heart.Antiseptic and pure, without time. Like the music of Todd Rundgren, to the of there of the temporal space, projected in an other galaxy, reflected in an other dimension.
It comes underlined the sensuality of the sounds, never like now, in a wild and reasoned search.
After thirty years Todd stays a living legend of the music. I challenge to find an other chorister of the seven notes of the soul so introduced inside the own world, inside the own I, like Mr.Runt. For all the slim disk, harp acoustic ring from Jess Gress of guitar, they pick up the existence of a complex musician like Todd Rundgren,, transfigured now in a cloth to water colors. Without doubts, a big record, to the same level of masterpieces like "Something/Anything?" of the 1972 or of "A cappella". A sonorous thin, essential, and deep document. Beyond the immense. I feel happy with "With a twist" also if the melancholy, the sad happiness, the pain of which it transude to each furrow, is the characteristics of a magic CD.
Choirs of aliens, fraseggi of angels, trepidanti gurglings of voices, driven from the nervous rod of an eccentric and genial teacher of the music. How stay insensitive from the touching beauty of "Influenza" or from the hypnotic little march of "It wouldn't have made any difference"? Impossible for whoever the life lives emotionally. Difficult for whoever knows how to laugh with the heart.
Only one warning, one can slip down, and stay wounded because "with a twist" sticks out from his field, beyond each limit, staying imprisoned in the net of the bossa-nova. Music that transforms the own states of mind. Varying litany like the outline of a flame. Small heat that burns. By now we have not needs of ulterior confirmations, Todd Rundgren, will stay a big name of the music. He can does each thing, interpret all; for him look at the vanguard, or cause a record of greek songs, it's the same thing. It doesn't do any difference, the important is that has contained in the soul. What we is of better, if does the own favourite artist have an enormous able brain of alchemizing do play, words,feelings in a malleable marasma of pathos? I am really fierce of follow Todd Rundgren for 24 years, this stayed is one of the few choices of life, that it has made me understand of as I have centered the target, or perhaps it is only state the effect of my karma. The discovery of my personal antalgic therapy.
You remove the ham from your ears and you make to speak the heart. A counsel from friend. Do I suggest of listen to "With a twist" with the closed eyes and with the bonnets, or you with the shutters lower and with a glass of pina colada in the hand; is the hot-air balloon about to come you to take in your astroport, for conduct you in an endless trip; beyond the Eden that music plays Todd Rundgren?
Lino Terlati (past, present, future,eternal fan)
P.S: You will find in it some Italiuan words impossible to translate. I
suggest you to try to find the meaning. Write me if you need help.
Lino Terlati
La prima fanzine italiana su TODD RUNDGREN & UTOPIA
a Savona